Anthony Davies, Director of 3ADAPT, has been invited to be on the Healthy Housing International and Industrial Steering Committee. An EPSRC funded collaboration, led by the University of Bath and supported by a range of industry partners, the project has the long-term aim of improving living conditions in refugee camps. The project will explore this through the creation of low-cost, easy to construct housing that moderates extremes of temperature while providing space that enables dignified living and customary domestic and intra-community relations.
As part of the committee Anthony will provide assistance to the University in delivering the project as approved by the EPSRC.
“Through this collaboration, there is a huge opportunity to improve the quality of life for those in very difficult circumstances and I am looking forward to working with others to really make a difference to those people.”
We will provide updates on this project which promises to have a real positive impact on people that need it the most.
For more information, contact Anthony.