Doing Good: Our Responsibility & Sustainability Strategy

As a sustainability consultancy, everyday we help our clients and collaborators adapt to be more sustainable. Our ultimate intention is to have a positive environmental, social and financial impact. Where all three are not possible, we help our clients make difficult decisions and understand trade-offs explicitly. Feedback from our clients is that this often delivers both short-term and long-term benefits whilst improving their resilience to future change.

Doing Good: Our Responsibility and Sustainability Strategy sets out our commitments to ensuring that our own business is having a positive impact. It defines our vision and mission and provides an overview of key drivers and ultimately the ways in which we will hold ourselves to account. It covers areas which may also be typically referred to as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which we believe is essential to an enduring, successful and ultimately sustainable business.

Doing Good Themes

As our first version, this Strategy sets out our commitments and goals. The intention is that making these public and accessible will ultimately make us stronger. It will also be a reference point for others to both critique and support us on our own journey. We will revisit these annually to track and report our progress.

With this in mind, we welcome your thoughts and comments on our approach to sustainability. We firmly believe that together we can be stronger still and develop a lasting sense of purpose that continues to be relevant.

As founding directors, we have ultimate responsibility for progressing towards the commitments highlighted in this Strategy, however, this Strategy has been developed with input from all the team here at 3ADAPT. We are therefore excited to share with you our shared vision and commitments that reflect the passions of our team.