What more we bring

We are driven by the positive impact we have through projects. However, we believe that it is also our responsibility to help our industry transition to a more sustainable way of operating. We do this through undertaking thought leadership activities that seek to gain a new perspective, engaging with universities to bridge academia and industry, challenging the standards and where appropriate working with others to develop new ones.

Thought Leadership

Thought leadership

We have undertaken thought leadership activities across a range of sectors. Our latest piece involves working with 16 cross sector organisations to understand how to better define project requirements to improve User Experience and using both financial and natural resources efficiently as possible.

Academia and Industry

Bridging academia & industry

By bridging academia and industry we use the latest thinking to develop better solutions to meet our clients’ needs.

We work with universities to undertake primary research which has recently involved working with an environmental psychologist and expert in environmental sensors to better understand what type of environments engage with users and provide great experiences.

We also enjoy lecturing and tutoring students as we learn as much from them as they do from us.

Developing the standards

Developing the standards

When the minimum standards are not good enough we believe in collaborating with industry task groups to develop standards that are.

As employees of BuroHappold Engineering we were heavily involved in the development of UKGBC guidance on the Health, Wellbeing and Productivity for offices and retail environments. Other recent contributions includeworking with the Association of British Theatre Technicians to develop Technical Standards for Places of Entertainment.